Repertoire Drama

Valeria Schulczová a kolektív autorov
The new SND building, Studio

A story that is also ours

Chanoch Levin
A Winter Funeral
The new SND building, Studio

Magical comedy about unconventional wedding preparations

Gerhart Hauptmann
Before Sunset
The new SND building, Studio

A powerful family drama by a Nobel Prize-laureate.

Mika Myllyaho
The new SND building, Studio

Contemporary comedy about three women who are losing grip of their lives, until they end up in utter chaos.

Voľne na motívy poviedok Boženy Slančíkovej Timravy
The new SND building, Studio
The production Children is freely inspired by the short stories U Kanátov [At Kanát's family] and Žiadna radosť [No Joy at All by] B. S. Timrava. Mara is arranging her son’s second marriage. His first marriage failed, and then she drove him almost by force into the second one with an unattractive widow that had a small child. At first, it seems that it will be just another ordeal, but the newlyweds - both social outsiders - find their way to each other surprisingly fast. Mara is horrified to discover that her son does not need her anymore, that she is losing her power over him... Zuza buried her husband. She doesn't grieve much; the man was a drunkard and a rapist, with whom she had little joy and happiness, but mostly a long-repressed desire awakens in her. Her old youthful love is now also a widower. Is it possible to go twenty-five years back and undo what they have both destroyed by having married out of reason? Is it possible to inflame the feelings buried deep inside for years? And if so, what about the kids? A story about children... those to whom we are connected by blood ties and whom we can completely suffocate with smother-love, but also about those strangers from the other side of the valley, to whom we can be ruthless and indifferent.   Runnning time: 2 hrs 50 mins with one interval   Première June 3, 2023   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Michal Belej, Daša Krištofovičová
Declaration of Independence
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Authorial play inspired by the life of Edward Bernays and his wife Doris Fleischman.

Béla Pintér
The new SND building, Studio
Dirt is a powerful intimate story with elements of ballads and folklore, yet with a generous dose of irony and canny social criticism. The story is set in a Hungarian village over four seasons. Irena and Attila have been trying to start a family for a quite some time. Yet, they learn that, because of complications during a routine surgery, they have lost any opportunity to conceive their offspring. They decide to resolve the situation by adoption. Yet, due to the two-year waiting period, they will eventually adopt two teenage girls. Ruža / Rose nicknamed Dirt, and her friend Anita, who, as they claim, have made a blood pact. The village setting is first hostile to the two foster girls. With their new parents, love is also not shared equally. What can a lack of love lead to? The inclination to extremism, nationalism and intolerance may start to seem trivial in comparison with the gradually surfacing tragedies of the characters. Yet, can there be anything truly banal in all this?   Running time: 2 hrs no interval   Première March 24, 2022   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.    
Diskusia po predstavení Budete mať luft!
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Pozývame vás na diskusiu po predstavení inscenácie Budete mať luft, ktorá dokumentuje tragické udalosti v obci Pobedim v roku 1928.

Diskutovať však nebudeme o inscenácii ako takej, ale o témach, ktoré s ňou bytostne súvisia. Historicko-spoločenský kontext vtedajších udalostí, ale aj ďalšie zásadné momenty rómskej kultúry, no tiež praktické rady smerujúce k tomu, čo môžeme jednotlivo robiť pre lepšie postavenie Rómov v našej spoločnosti. Na to všetko a mnoho ďalšieho sa pozrieme spolu s odborníkmi na danú problematiku. Hostia: Janette Motlová je riaditeľkou Výskumného ústavu detskej psycho­lógie a patopsychológie. Vyštudovala sociálnu prácu na Univerzite Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. V minulosti pôsobila na Úrade splnomocnenkyne vlády SR pre rómske komunity. V roku 2007 založila Rómsky inštitút a venovala sa rozvoju rómskych detí a mládeže ako riaditeľka i ako manažérka pre oblasť rozvoja práce s rómskou mládežou. Neskôr pôsobila ako manažérka Národného projektu KomPrax, vedúca Oddelenia stratégie a metodológie práce s mládežou a ako programová manažérka v Iuvente.

Je držiteľkou viacerých významných ocenení. Za svoje blogy získala Novi­nársku cenu, v roku 2015 ocenenie Gipsy Spirit v kategórii Médiá a ocenenie MOST za Dlhodobý prínos v oblasti práce s mládežou. V roku 2017 jej Nadácia Orange udelila ocenenie za Mimoriadny prínos v oblasti budovania občianskej spoločnosti a v roku 2018 bola vyhlásená za absolútnu víťazku súťaže Lektor roka 2017. Okrem uvedeného bola v roku 2015 nominovaná na Slovenku roka v kategórii Vzdelávanie a podpora mladých talentov.

Janette Motlová pracuje inkluzívnym prístupom, v ktorom využíva zážit­kové vzdelávanie. Je autorkou viacerých publikácií, metodík a inovatívnych prístupov v práci s ohrozenými skupinami ľudí. Je autorkou autobiografického románu Cigánka. Je vydatá, má tri deti, z nich jedno adoptívne.

Fedor Blaščák je filozof, publicista a aktivista. Zaoberá sa súčasnými dejinami a politikou pamäti, vzdelávaním a kultúrou. V mimovládnom sektore a neziskových organizáciách pôsobí viac ako dvadsať rokov, pomáhal zakladať a do roku 2018 viedol Asociáciu firemných nadácií a nadačných fondov, bol aj vyjednávačom tretieho sektora v prospech mechanizmu daňovej asignácie. Je spoluautorom seriálu ŠtB: Prísne tajné, ktorý od septembra 2022 vysiela RTVS. Od októbra j2022 e novým riaditeľom Nadácie otvorenej spoločnosti.

Moderátor: Martin Staňo

Diskusia po predstavení Budete mať luft!
The new SND building, The Blue Salon
Pozývame vás na diskusiu po predstavení inscenácie Budete mať luft, ktorá dokumentuje tragické udalosti v obci Pobedim v roku 1928.   Diskutovať však nebudeme o inscenácii ako takej, ale o témach, ktoré s ňou bytostne súvisia. Historicko-spoločenský kontext vtedajších udalostí, ale aj ďalšie zásadné momenty rómskej kultúry, no tiež praktické rady smerujúce k tomu, čo môžeme jednotlivo robiť pre lepšie postavenie Rómov v našej spoločnosti. Na to všetko a mnoho ďalšieho sa pozrieme spolu s odborníkmi na danú problematiku.   Hostia Ingrid Kosová v rokoch 2006 – 2011 pôsobila na Úrade splnomocnenkyne vlády SR pre rómske komunity. V roku 2007 založila občianske združenie Quo vadis, ktorého je štatutárkou. Združenie sa venuje inkluzívnemu vzdelávaniu, rodovej rovnosti, viacnásobnej diskriminácii rómskych žien a podpore participácie mládeže na veciach verejných. Je zriaďovateľkou Súkromného centra voľného času Quo vadis (2008) a Súkromnej základnej umeleckej školy Quo vadis (2008). V roku 2010 založila občianske združenie MONTESSORI, ktoré sa zaoberá špecifikami vzdelávania rómskych žiakov, inováciami vo vzdelávacom systéme, premenou tradičnej školy na modernú a zavádzaním pedagogického systému Marie Montessori ako aj inováciami vo vzdelávacom procese na Slovenku. Je zriaďovateľkou Súkromnej materskej školy Montessori so sídlom vo Zvolene (2012) a V Banskej Bystrici ( 2013) a tiež Riaditeľkou Montessori Inštitútu, n.o.(2017). Je autorkou niekoľkých štúdií a spoluautorkou publikácií a momentálne i poslankyňou NRSR.   Alžbeta Ferencová známa aj pod umeleckým menom Zea, je slovenská speváčka, televízna herečka, tanečnica a modelka. Vyrastala v Prešove, kde absolvovala Pedagogickú a sociálnu akadémiu. V roku 2010 sa zúčastnila súťaže Miss Universe SR, následne pracovala v modelingu, hrala v seriáli TV JOJ Panelák a účinkovala v televíznej šou TV Markíza Koleso šťastia. V rokoch 2022 – 2023 stvárnila hlavnú postavu v seriáli TV JOJ Iveta režiséra Jana Hřebejka. Aktívne sa venuje aj hudobnej tvorbe, v ktorej sa pohybuje na pomedzí R&B a popu. V roku 2020 vydala debutový album Burning Light. Pochádza z rómskej rodiny, jej prastarou mamou bola prvá rómska spisovateľka s dramatička na Slovensku, Elena Lacková.   Moderátor Martin Staňo  
Christopher Hampton
The new SND building, Studio

Based on the novel Candles Are Burning Out by Sándor Márai.

A riveting reconstruction of betrayal, friendship, chase and passion.

Caryl Churchill
Escaped Alone
The new SND building, Studio

Štyri dámy si pri šálke čaju pokonverzujú o všetkom a ničom. Smiešne, kruto, vecne aj dojemne.

Ľubomír Feldek
The new SND building, Drama hall

A fairy-tale about how Maruška and Fear-Not encountered more than just Twelve Months.

David Mamet
Glengarry Glen Ross
The new SND building, Studio

The contemporary American author David Mamet placed his Glengarry Glen Ross into the setting of a real estate agency. It is the stage to play out the tough, harsh and, at times, even comical competition struggle among the staff who are selling even that which cannot be sold. Everyone wishes to climb the upper career echelons, ideally stepping on someone else’s back. Still, there is only one to be given the chance. As a staff incentive, the agency comes up with a competition to win a luxury car, a set of knives or, on the contrary a loss of job. That gives rise to all kinds of career scheming among the staff, which unveil unfair practices, shrewd tricks, as well as mutual betrayal. All this is part of the merciless struggle for survival. Characteristic humour, idiosyncratic language and brilliant dialogues merge in Glengarry Glen Ross with peculiar irony, effective metaphor and unremitting business world. A world is born where 'to have' is more important than 'to be'. Simply, our world! The play earned David Mamet Pulitzer Prize, and two Academy-nominated films based on the piece.

Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes, no interval

Première September 24, 2021   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.  
Peter Quilter
The new SND building, Studio

True story of the world’s worst singer

Ivan Vyrypajev
The new SND building, Studio

Bitter-sweet small-scale drama about the intimate universe of married couples

Denys Arcand
Jesus of Montreal
The new SND building, Drama hall
At the cathedral above Montreal, Easter Passion is played every year about the death of Jesus Christ. The production needs to be refreshed a bit – over the years, the acting of the main characters has become pathetic and far-fetched. The priest assigns this task to a young, unconventional theatre actor Daniel, who writes a new script and sets up a group of actors – Martin, whose acting career has been reduced to dubbing porn films, Mireille, whom show business has reduced only to her body, Constance beaten by life, and René, who has been dreaming of the character of Hamlet in vain all his life. Although the church representatives will not greet new production with enthusiasm, the passion story grows from production to life and has an extraordinary impact on the audience and the actors themselves. Arcand's story is a search for the meaning and place of spirituality in the modern, urbanised, scientific world, but also a satirical view of the world of art, and theatre in particular.   Running time: 2 hrs 50 mins with one interval   Première February 3, 2024   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Ivan Stodola
Just Another Cup of Tea
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Divadlo nevidiacich – Divadlo Zrakáč

Kolektív autorov
Just Wait for It! We’re Coming for You!
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

A creative reflection on a tragedy that has remained suppressed and untold for nearly a hundred years. A tragedy caused by prejudice that is present to this day.

Ján Chalupka
Kocúrkovo (Gotham City)
The new SND building, Drama hall

Kocúrkovské komediálne univerzum v novom formáte, kde nevesta márne čaká na ženícha a autor naráža na mantinel doby.

Jozef Hollý
The new SND building, Drama hall

The best-known Slovak comedy for the first time on stage the SND. Kubo as a defenceless and adorable simpleton, or a dangerous individual capable of everything?

Louisa May Alcottová
Little Women
The new SND building, Drama hall
The famous novel will come to life for the first time on the stage of the SND Drama Company. Four sisters live their day-to-day lives while their father is fighting. They are fortunate to be brought up and guided by, at the time, a very open-minded, free-spirited mother. She inspires her daughters to be curious, observes their awakening femininity, encourages social empathy and cultivates their relationships with each other. Girls of different temperaments and talents discover their individualities and the limits of social conventions and expectations. Their childhood, adolescence and adulthood have unique romantic charm, secrets and first sorrows and disappointments. In his dramatisation, the director Amsler brings the iconic work to life with a modern aesthetic and imagery. By producing this title, we intend to make a non-violent appeal to ethical values such as decency, empathy, friendship, humility and strong family ties. The secrets of the sympathetic heroines and heroes and the overflowing chaos of the first touch of love are equally important ingredients of Little Women. In an uncertain and rapidly changing world, it seems fitting to be reminded of the values and beauty of life, even if it is not always an idyll.   Running time: 3 hrs 20 mins with one interval   Première June 10, 2023   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
William Shakespeare
The new SND building, Drama hall
As one of the texts by the immortal classic playwright William Shakespeare, Macbeth, is an integral part of the global theatre canon. The shortest yet the most concentrated Shakespeare tragedy offers a minuscule theatrical vision of the evil lurking within a respected hero who becomes a detested tyrant. A supposedly cursed play about just how thin can be the line separating a hero from a murderer and good deeds from evil ones. One of the most famous tragedies is about the tempting but sinister temptation to gain absolute power, making one lose everything. What is it like to betray the trust of all of those around us, even ourselves? Simple solutions do not exist. No one can wash the blood off their hands. The man who has everything and wants even more. Evil is born here and now. Doesn't that remind you of anything? The Scottish tragedy returns to the stage of the SND Drama Theatre for the third time. This time in a unique and distinctive interpretation of Martin Čičvák, who is an outstanding representative of one generation of theatre directors. Paranoia. Metal. An army of bloodthirsty hyenas.   Running time: 2 hrs 45 mins with one interval   Première November 12, 2022   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Lope de Vega
Madness in Valencia
The new SND building, Drama hall
The energy of this rhymed comedy, with delicate ingenuity and apt metaphor, will surely sweep you off your feet. Who are and who are not fools? Is the whole world an insane asylum or vice versa? Can normal people safely hide only in a real insane asylum? And did you know that Valencia had one of the first mental institutions in Europe in the 17th century? Perhaps Lope de Vega was inspired by this fact when he wrote a play in which Floriano and Erifila hide in an asylum with the help of various people – he from punishment for alleged murder, she from forced marriage –. They take on a different identities, and the carousel of misunderstandings, tangled love affairs and explosive passions, spying and snitching can take off. The methods of healing in the institution can sometimes only be sung and danced to the rhythm of a riveting flamenco because the words spoken as a testimony to hidden intrigues and deranged relationships are no longer enough.   The duration of the performance is approximate, as the preview has not been held yet.   Première June 8, 2024   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Matúš Bachynec
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Authorial docudrama that explores the profound story of a woman, mother, lawyer, politician, member of the Czech anti-Nazi résistance, and a victim of Stalinist show trial, Milada Horáková.

Morena, author’s production
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Author’s production – a small probe into th einner world of a woman turning thirty

Florian Zeller
The new SND building, Studio

Anne lovingly looked after her husband, enjoyed preparing breakfast for her children and provided the full family service. Simply, she filled her life with her family, until she came to realise that she was actually alone. This serene life somewhat deceived her. Perhaps she was also deceived by her husband who is busy seminar-hopping. The son is now an adult and no longer needs his mother. How is she to come to terms with the fact that he, too, has his own life now? What to fill hers with? What is left once love is gone? Suddenly, Anne no longer has her place and a goal. The bitter comedy Mother is a family drama about coming of age, leaving and sudden self-awareness. Yet, it is also about fear of abandonment, loneliness, of an empty nest. The acclaimed French playwright Florian Zeller created a fascinating world of reality and illusion of a woman, a mother. What is a mother left with once her self-sacrifice on behalf of her family comes to an end, her children’s freedom and husband’s autonomy become reality? Ultimately, she merely raises the fundamental question: What was it all for? Actually, what was the point of it all?

Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes, no interval

Première November 13, 2021   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.  
Peter Pavlac
OPERATION B - talking about silence
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

Lukáš Brutovský
Odliv [Drain]
The new SND building, Studio
A stage poem about the country from which one leaves. Text on brain drain and searching in the structure of its possible meanings. How, from what, and what are we leaving for? How do we see our country from a perspective and how from its centre? What is our concept of home? Are we Slovaks? Do we perceive ourselves more Slovak at home or abroad? Do we fell like that at all? Didn't we get too comfortable in this place which we want to leave? Is the concept of our so-called pettiness a potential catalyst for change or just a satisfying complaint? Autoerotic snorting as our hallmark? Eternal dissatisfaction that rarely turns into some activity? Are we chasing each other out of here? Are we opening doors to others or closing them to ourselves? Isn't leaving actually an undersong of the Slovak myth? The drain as an associative song about a phenomenon that has been shaping many aspects of public and private life in Slovakia for a long time.   Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes, no interval   Première April 6, 2024   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Prehliadka historickej budovy SND
The historical SND building,

Dozviete sa základné fakty o histórii divadla, ako aj o jeho úlohe v dobovom Prešporku i súčasnej Bratislave.  Prehliadka sa bude konať v rámci Bratislavských mestských dní

Ján Palárik
Reconciliation or Adventure at Harvest Time
The new SND building, Drama hall

Comedy about reconciliation, adventure, love games and coincidences in a Slovak cult classic.

Franz Xaver Kroetz
Request Concert
The new SND building, Studio
Is it possible to have a silent dialogue with the viewer through an inner monologue? This is the question offered by Request Concert, a silent, hyper-realistic experiment. The author of this play, or perhaps rather libretto, is Franz Xaver Kroetz, a German playwright who wrote about seventy plays and is one of our time's most essential theatre authors. His plays suggestively portray people who cannot articulate their own individuality anymore; they are wounded and betrayed by false illusions of better tomorrows. That is not the case here, either. "On any given weekday, Miss Rasch would come home at about half past seven in the evening after work and shopping. she walks into the apartment, looks for the mail, finds only one advertising brochure, takes it, walks to the door of her room, unlocks it and enters." Thanks to the author's clear dramatic vision, the mundane is here transformed into something almost hypnotic; we reach a point of complete empathy with the woman. Although Miss Rasch does not say a word, she is the voice of souls who, even today, feel lost, lonely and without purpose. Confrontation. Balancing. Decision. What does it mean? But most importantly - why is it happening? In its Slovak première, fifty years after its creation, Concert on Demand will be directed by Kamila Polívková.   Running time: 1 hrs no interval   Première February 11, 2023   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.  
Aľa Rachmanovová, Roman Polák
Russian Diaries
The new SND building, Drama hall

Dramatisation of a novel about attacks on Russian intelligentsia.

Roman Polák
Scenes from the Life of Director (Ingmar Bergman)
The new SND building, Studio

A production about the cathartic power of theatre.

Jozef Gregor Tajovský, Gabriela Preissová
Sin / Her Stepdaughter
The new SND building, Studio

Two gems of Slovak and Czech realistic drama

Božena Slančíková-Timrava, Daniel Majling
The Ball
The new SND building, Drama hall

Dramatisation of prose by a brilliant observer of harsh human fate

Sarah Ruhlová
The Clean House
The new SND building, Studio
An award-winning insightful comedy about soul-clearing, sorting out relationships and tidying up a house that presents a metaphor for our gently messed-up lives. Suddenly nothing is like it used to be; nothing is as it should be. And therein lies both hope and surprise—the wisdom of day-to-day destinies and the mystery of love.   Today, perhaps the most acclaimed contemporary American playwright, Sarah Ruhl, received a well-deserved prestigious Pulitzer Prize in 2004 for this magnificent work with a tragicomic touch. We find ourselves in the magical space of one family. Lane's character is an exhausted doctor who, of course, has a housekeeper to clean the house. Unlike the cold housewife, this young girl is amusingly vivacious and exotic enough, or otherwise completely natural, which seems an eccentric quality in a world of alienated obsession with professional careers... The plot becomes apparent and develops when Virginia, Lane's sister, secretly takes over the housecleaning duties. And the shocker comes when Charles, Lane's husband, discovers true love outside the outwardly put-together house. And out of line even in such conventional cases of anticipated norms. Time to clean up properly; in short, let it be clean and crystal clear.   Running time: 2 hrs 15 mins with one interval   Première November 5, 2022   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Alberto Moravia
The Conformist
The new SND building, Drama hall
A story about the desire to discover one's place in society, sometimes at a blood price. Marcello hasn't been able to fit in since childhood. He cannot confide his innermost feelings to his friends and loved ones - the thrill that overwhelms him at the sight of death and killing. He finds neither punishment, absolution, nor understanding from them; he is surrounded only by the carelessness of those around him. In his loneliness, he desires only one thing - to be like others and to share the same feelings with them. He has been failing to do so for years... Suddenly, however, times change, and as history unfolds, the social spotlight is thrust upon a group into which Marcello fits perfectly; a group in which the darkness within him becomes the norm and the fascination with killing is a valuable virtue. Marcello can finally feel like a valid member of society. And he would do anything for those who made it possible for him to do so.   Running time: 3 hrs 5 mins with one interval   Première April 15, 2023   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Arthur Miller
The Crucible
The new SND building, Drama hall

A stirring play about the eternal moral dilemmas makes its comeback on stage the SND that last staged ´The Crucible in 1966. In his play that is an active witness to history, presence and possibly the future, Miller was inspired by the case from the past of the Puritan New England, the witch-hunt in the town of Salem in 1692. The girls, enthused by their house slave, engaged in paganic rituals. They started hallucinating as if possessed by the devil. Pressured by fear, collective hysteria and pragmatic manipulation, they started reporting false, especially female culprits. That brought about dozens of executions of the innocent, arrests, along with fatal chaos and horror. Even though Miller painted an impressive historical fresco, everyone was aware of his intention to place in the context of Salem the developments that took place in United States after World War II, when McCarthy’s Committee on Un-American Activities staged its witch-hunt. It was a hunt on all artists who were suspects of sympathising with Communism. Everything dishonourable ultimately turns against its makers. Yet, the cost is immense. Are we able to learn the lessons? Actually, are we willing to?

Running time: 3 hrs with one interval

Première March 31, 2022   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.  
Pavel Vilikovský
The Dog on the Road
The new SND building, Drama hall

This is brilliant literature about literature and a culture that is infused with irony, insight, sensitivity and comprehension.

Lucy Prebble
The Effect
The new SND building, Studio

Contemporary play about the faces of love and depression

Roald Dahl
The Hotel Bristol Apartment
The new SND building, Drama hall

A black comedy based on Roald Dahl's Skin

Jonathan Littell
The Kindly Ones
The new SND building, Studio

Gloomy fresco about compromises with conscience

William Shakespeare
The Merry Wives of Windsor
The new SND building, Drama hall

Classical Shakespearean comedy about the philandering knight Falstaff

Paul Rudnick
The New Century
The new SND building, Studio
An attractive shock therapy that will open your eyes, melt your heart and lift the corners of your mouth upwards. Positive provocation, which has the form of "stand-up comedy" in the play The New Century. In tragicomic monologues, a sympathetic and increasingly helpless mother tells us about her three beloved LGBTQI+ children. Another mother fondly remembers her son AIDS took from her , while desperately, touchingly, continuously carrying out handicraft. A popular TV entertainer, gay, bizarrely superficializes serious topics. All the characters eventually meet in the maternity ward, where the satirical and properly sentimental line of the play explodes in a firework of all-encompassing understanding. The cruel, honest and sincere humour of the play consists of paradoxes and the gradual refutation of prejudices. It reveals the truth that has always been present in the world, yet we often throw away understanding, reject tolerance and forget about love, which is our basic code.   Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes, no interval   Première January 27, 2024   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Natalie Kocab
The Owl
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

A production about different opinions, dated views, as well as mutual understanding between two generations.

Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, Henry Shields
The Play that Goes Wrong
The new SND building, Studio

Contemporary British comedy presents an ironic view of the world of theatre and, at the same time, pays tribute to this world

Nikolaj Vasilijevič Gogoľ, Oleg Liptsin
The Story on How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich Have Fallen Out With Each Other
The new SND building, The Blue Salon
The Story on How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich Have Fallen Out With Each Other The work of Nikolaj Vasilievič Gogoľ has been an unmistakable part of world literature for almost two hundred years, famous for its ability to (not only) satirically and grotesquely depict the former social cosmos of the contemporary tsarist Russia However, Gogoľ's work, as it often deals with the universal motivation of a man to achieve the desired goal, mostly secular goods (property or power), did not remain trapped in the nineteenth century but can be a constructive reflection of today. Although the story of how Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich have fallen out may seem at first glance like a novel about a banal quarrel between two neighbours, in fact, it is a complex reminiscence of the human ability to grow inside and subsequently spread a huge evil that eventually destroys and devours everything around. Laughter in one eye, a tear in the other – perhaps this is the best way to capture the atmosphere of a story of two neighbours in the town of Mirhorod but could also take place in your neighbourhood.   Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes, no interval   Première October 28, 2023,   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Michail Afanasievič Bulgakov
Theatre Novel
The new SND building, Drama hall

One of the favourite literary works about the world of theatre, theatre-makers and their art, as well as about human passions, desires and weaknesses

Kolektív autorov
Till the Stones Come...
The new SND building, Drama hall

Till the Stones Come... concert is about to begin. All kinds of people are gathering – bodyguards, stage crew, cafeteria staff, promoters, first-aid team and, naturally, fans. The new ones along with those with faces lined by deep wrinkles, those whose long lives have been linked with the tunes of Rolling Stones. Everyone talks about what the Rolling Stones and rock n roll mean to them. They talk about their own lives, its bright and gloomier moments. And about how music kept saving them, inspiring them, but also infuriating them. They talk about how it shaped their attitudes, vented their frustrations and how their emotional life depended on music. The production is to be a serious, yet also humorous contemplation about such cultural phenomenon as rock and roll and its most viable and most famous embodiment, The Rolling Stones. The story of the production ends as the ling-awaited concert begins.

Running time: 3 hrs with one interval

Première January 31, 2022

 We would like to draw the attention of visitors with respiratory problems, or spectators suffering from epilepsy along with hypersensitive spectators sensitive to intermittent light stimuli to the use of a strobe, as well as a smoke production machine in this performance."

Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.  
Joseph Conrad, David Jařab
Under Western Eyes
The new SND building, Studio
A young student comes to the community of Russian emigrants in Geneva. He is warmly accepted by then because they have received a message that he was an associate of the revolutionary who assassinated a leading official of the tsarist regime. However, nothing is what it seems at first glance. Under Western Eyes is a story about a man who tried to sail through an authoritarian regime to have nothing to do with it, but coincidence prevented him from doing so. Is it possible to maintain a human dignity in totalitarianism without risking imprisonment, mutilation or death? Is it possible to survive in a repressive regime without being tainted by cooperation? And if the person gets into a situation where it is no longer possible to bury his head in the sand, does he have the right to send someone else to his death to protect himself? What will guilt do about the human psyche and self-evaluation? And how to survive a moral failure?   Running time: 2 hrs 20 minutes with one interval   Première November 18, 2023   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Maxim Gorkij
Vassa Zheleznova
The new SND building, Studio
Vassa. Woman, wife, mother, businesswoman. Vassa. The head of the family, the head of the family business. Vassa. A successful woman. But what is the price of such success? How much does it cost to run a successful family business? How much do you pay to keep family secrets? And when money is no longer enough, can extreme means be used? Are there any limits? What about the law? Can we take the law into our own hands in the name of good? If so, is it justifiable? And is it worth it? A play about wealth becoming fatal. About a life, we want to protect and save. But at what cost? The duration of the performance is approximate, as the preview has not been held yet.   Première June 1, 2024   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Vernisáž Ladislav Chudík
The new SND building, Foyer SND

Ladislav Chudík 27. máj 1924 – 29. júl 2015

Divadelný ústav v spolupráci so Slovenským národným divadlom pripravili redizajn výstavy venovanej životu a umeleckej tvorbe Ladislava Chudíka. Výstava je prierezom jeho hereckej činnosti nielen na doskách Slovenského národného divadla. Zároveň je poctou k nedožitému životnému jubileu – 100. výročiu narodenia. Ladislav Chudík patril k mladším predstaviteľom prvej profesionálnej generácie hercov Slovenského národného divadla. Bol civilný, konkrétny, autentický, nehľadal postavu v sebe, ale seba v postave. Stal sa priekopníkom moderného slovenského herectva „reálneho tónu“.

Autorka výstavy: Ľubica Krénová, grafické riešenie SND. Pôvodnú výstavu pripravil Divadelný ústav v roku 2014.

Versnisáž sa uskutoční 22. 5. 2024 o 17.00 hod. Výstava potrvá do 22. 6. 2024.

Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj
War and Peace
The new SND building, Drama hall

One of the greatest pieces of world literature

Tereza Trusinová
What's up!
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)